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Title: In vitro encystation and excystation of Blastocystis ratti
Authors: Chen, X.Q.
Singh, M. 
Howe, J.
Ho, L.C.
Tan, S.W. 
Yap, E.H. 
Keywords: Blastocystis ratti
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Chen, X.Q., Singh, M., Howe, J., Ho, L.C., Tan, S.W., Yap, E.H. (1999). In vitro encystation and excystation of Blastocystis ratti. Parasitology 118 (2) : 151-160. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Cysts of Blastocystis ratti were produced in vitro by culturing the parasite in Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM) with increasing concentrations of horse serum. Yields up to 3 x 106 cysts/ml of culture medium were obtained after 72 h. Encystation efficiency was time, strain and inoculum size dependent. A viability of > 70% was determined by flow cytometry employing fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide staining. The presence of chitin as a cyst wall component was demonstrated by Calcofluor White M2R staining with which cystic stages showed blue fluorescence. The changes in morphology during excystation were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The cyst enlarged in size and some vacuoles appeared within the condensed cytoplasm. The vacuoles were full of inclusions and small glycogen aggregates. Coalescence of the vacuoles led to central body formation. Glycogen deposits were prominent throughout the excystation process. Some cysts divided by binary fission before the completion of the excystation.
Source Title: Parasitology
ISSN: 00311820
DOI: 10.1017/S0031182098003667
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