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Title: Random quantum codes from gaussian ensembles and an uncertainty relation
Authors: Hayden, P.
Shor, P.W.
Winter, A. 
Issue Date: Mar-2008
Citation: Hayden, P., Shor, P.W., Winter, A. (2008-03). Random quantum codes from gaussian ensembles and an uncertainty relation. Open Systems and Information Dynamics 15 (1) : 71-89. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Using random Gaussian vectors and an information-uncertainty relation, we give a proof that the coherent information is an achievable rate for entanglement transmission through a noisy quantum channel. The codes are random subspaces selected according to the Haar measure, but distorted as a function of the senders input density operator. Using large deviations techniques, we show that classical data transmitted in either of two Fourier-conjugate bases for the coding subspace can be decoded with low probability of error. A recently discovered information-uncertainty relation then implies that the quantum mutual information for entanglement encoded into the subspace and transmitted through the channel will be high. The monogamy of quantum correlations finally implies that the environment of the channel cannot be significantly coupled to the entanglement which, concluding, ensures the existence of a decoding by the receiver. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.
Source Title: Open Systems and Information Dynamics
ISSN: 12301612
DOI: 10.1142/S1230161208000079
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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