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Title: Earnings inequality in Singapore
Authors: Bhanoji Rao, V.V.
Banerjee, D.S.
Mukhopadhaya, P. 
Keywords: Age-adjusted Gini
Earnings distribution
Gini ratio
Paglin Gini
Theil decomposition
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Bhanoji Rao, V.V.,Banerjee, D.S.,Mukhopadhaya, P. (2003). Earnings inequality in Singapore. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 8 (2) : 210-228. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Based on the data on earnings distributions from the national labour force surveys of 1974-98, trends in income inequality are studied. Of particular note are the findings from the Paglin Gini and Theil decompositions. The former show that behind an invariant overall Gini ratio lies a declining inter-age disparity and growing P-Gini. From the latter, it is found that inter-age and inter-educational disparities have respectively contributed some 12 per cent and 34 per cent to overall inequality. It is found that inter-occupational inequality, as measured by the Theil index, almost doubled in the period. This is in sharp contrast to trends in inter-educational activity, thus illustrating that the education-occupation linkage is not clear-cut.
Source Title: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
ISSN: 13547860
DOI: 10.1080/1354786032000074749
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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