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Title: Occupational contact dermatitis in manual cloud seeding operations
Authors: Ng, W.T.
Koh, D. 
Keywords: Calcium oxide
Cloud seeding
Contact dermatitis
Occupational hazards
Issue Date: May-2011
Citation: Ng, W.T.,Koh, D. (2011-05). Occupational contact dermatitis in manual cloud seeding operations. Singapore Medical Journal 52 (5) : e85-e87. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This is a case report on irritant contact dermatitis secondary to calcium oxide exposure during manual cloud seeding operations. A less hazardous substitute such as sodium chloride should be considered wherever possible. Cloud seeding operations are briefy discussed in this report, and the impact of calcium oxide exposure as an occupational hazard is elaborated.
Source Title: Singapore Medical Journal
ISSN: 00375675
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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