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Title: Integrals of set-valued functions with a countable range
Authors: Khan, M.A.
Sun, Y. 
Keywords: Bochner integral
Marriage lemma
Measurable selection
Norm topology
Polish space
Weak topology
Weak* topology
Issue Date: Nov-1996
Citation: Khan, M.A.,Sun, Y. (1996-11). Integrals of set-valued functions with a countable range. Mathematics of Operations Research 21 (4) : 946-954. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Approximate versions, both of Lyapunov-type results on the compactness and convexity of the integral of a correspondence, and Fatou-type results on the preservation of upper semicontinuity by integration, are well known in the context of an infinite dimensional space. We report exact versions of these two types of results for integrals of Banach space valued correspondences with a countable range. We present results on both Bochner and Gel'fand integration.
Source Title: Mathematics of Operations Research
ISSN: 0364765X
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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