Vertical profile of train noise and indoor noise in high-rise residential environment
Alam, S.M. ; Lee, S.E. ; Johnny, W.L.H.
Alam, S.M.
Johnny, W.L.H.
Alternative Title
Noise from elevated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) train is a source of annoyance to the high-rise residents in land-scarce Singapore. Due to high density living in Singapore, residential buildings are in close proximity of railway tracks. Due to tropical climate, the windows are left open for provision of natural ventilation. This requirement in buildings reduces the aural comfort by exposing residents to relatively high noise levels in the apartments concerned. For provision of acoustical comfort to the high-rise dwellers, a scientific and reliable approach is vital in characterizing noise propagation from MRT and establishment of façade acoustical requirements. Two sixteen-storey residential buildings were investigated with MRT noise measurements conducted on each level of the buildings. Predicted results from software simulation were validated with field measured data. This study observes that MRT noise increases by 6.3 and 5.7 dBA at a height of 26.7m with the increase in building height where the buildings are located at 28m and 33m away from the track respectively. Measured sound insulation of eight different types of façades show that the opening of a window panel reduces façade performance up to 27 dBA. The derived indoor noise level is finally evaluated with the acceptable indoor noise level established from a comprehensive noise survey.
Source Title
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2009, INTER-NOISE 2009
Series/Report No.
Conference Paper