Full Name
Wei Shi Lim
(not current staff)
Lim, W.S.
Lim, W.-S.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11997A rendezvous-evasion game on discrete locations with joint randomizationLim, W.S. 
2May-2013Advance selling in the presence of speculators and forward-looking consumersLim, W.S. ; Tang, C.S.
32006An auction model arising from an Internet search service providerLim, W.S. ; Tang, C.S.
42003Family business succession: Appropriation risk and choice of successorLee, K.S. ; Lim, G.H. ; Lim, W.S. 
52003Inventory cost effect of consolidating several one-warehouse multiretailer systemsLim, W.-S. ; Ou, J. ; Teo, C.-P. 
62000Lemons market? An incentive scheme to induce truth-telling in third party logistics providersLim, W.S. 
71996Minimax rendezvous on the lineLim, W.S. ; Alpern, S.
81998Multistage R&D competition and patent policyLim, W.S. 
92006Optimal product rollover strategiesLim, W.S. ; Tang, C.S.
102010Outsourcing suppliers as downstream competitors: Biting the hand that feedsLim, W.S. ; Tan, S.J. 
112009Overselling in a competitive environment: Boon or bane?Lim, W.S. 
122001Producer-supplier contracts with incomplete informationLim, W.S. 
132002Rendezvous of three agents on the lineAlpern, S.; Lim, W.S. 
141997Rendezvous search on the line with more than two playersLim, W.S. ; Alpern, S.; Beck, A.
152008Revenue implication of auction value in k-price sealed-bid auctions: An experimental studyLim, W.S. ; Lee-Partridge, J.E.; Tan, S.J. 
161998The symmetric rendezvous-evasion gameAlpern, S.; Lim, W.S. 
172009Using brand equity to counter outsourcing opportunism: A game theoretic approachLim, W.S. ; Tan, S.-J.