Full Name
Han Chang Keun
(not current staff)
Han, C.-K.
Han, C.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12010A new approach to promote economic independence among at-risk children: Child Development Accounts (CDAs) in KoreaNam, Y.; Han, C.-K. 
2Jul-2009Asset ownership and health and mental health functioning among AIDS-orphaned adolescents: Findings from a randomized clinical trial in rural UgandaSsewamala, F.M.; Han, C.-K. ; Neilands, T.B.
3Nov-2010Assets and educational outcomes: Child Development Accounts (CDAs) for orphaned children in UgandaCurley, J.; Ssewamala, F.; Han, C.-K. 
42011Assets and Life Satisfaction Patterns Among Korean Older Adults: Latent Class AnalysisHan, C.-K. ; Hong, S.-I. 
5Jun-2009Assets beyond savings in individual development accountsHan, C.-K. ; Grinstein-Weiss, M.; Sherraden, M.
62009Attitudes and saving in individual development accounts: Latent class analysisHan, C.-K. ; Sherraden, M.
71-Mar-2010Effect of economic assets on sexual risk-taking intentions among orphaned adolescents in UgandaSsewamala, F.M.; Han, C.-K. ; Neilands, T.B.; Ismayilova, L.; Sperber, E.
8Oct-2010Exploring the relationship between assets and family stress among low-income familiesRothwell, D.W. ; Han, C. 
9Dec-2010Individual development account participation and social development among native hawaiiansRothwell, D.W. ; Han, C.-K. 
102010Second thoughts: Who almost participates in an IDA program?Rothwell, D.W.; Han, C. 
11Sep-2013Trajectories of Volunteering and Self-Esteem in Later Life: Does Wealth Matter?Han, C.-K. ; Hong, S.-I.
122009Unemployment, financial hardship, and savings in individual development accountsHan, C.-K.