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Jaruphongsa, J.
Jaruphongsa, W.


Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1May-2005A dynamic lot-sizing model with multi-mode replenishments: Polynomial algorithms for special cases with dual and multiple modesJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.
2Sep-2003A dynamic model for inventory lot sizing and outbound shipment scheduling at a third-party warehouseLee, C.-Y.; Çetinkaya, S.; Jaruphongsa, W. 
32004A make-to-stock production system with an emergency production rateJaruphongsa, W. ; Lee, C. ; Lin, W.
4Dec-2004A two-echelon inventory optimization model with demand time window considerationsJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.
52003Discrete event simulation model for airline operations: SIMAIRLee, L.H. ; Huang, H.C. ; Lee, C. ; Chew, E.P. ; Jaruphongsa, W. ; Yong, Y.Y. ; Liang, Z.; Leong, C.H. ; Tan, Y.P.; Namburi, K. ; Johnson, E.; Banks, J.
616-Jan-2008Dynamic lot-sizing model for major and minor demandsHwang, H.-C.; Jaruphongsa, W. 
7May-2006Dynamic lot-sizing model with demand time windows and speculative cost structureHwang, H.-C.; Jaruphongsa, W. 
8Jan-2008Dynamic lot-sizing problem with demand time windows and container-based transportation costJaruphongsa, W. ; Lee, C.-Y.
9Aug-2009Genetic algorithms for the multiple-machine economic lot scheduling problemSun, H.; Huang, H.-C. ; Jaruphongsa, W. 
10Nov-2007Outbound shipment mode considerations for integrated inventory and delivery lot-sizing decisionsJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.
11Nov-2007Outbound shipment mode considerations for integrated inventory and delivery lot-sizing decisionsJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.
12Jan-2008Supply chain performance measurement system: A Monte Carlo DEA-based approachWong, W.P.; Jaruphongsa, J. ; Lee, L.H. 
1328-Nov-2004Warehouse space capacity and delivery time window considerations in dynamic lot-sizing for a simple supply chainJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.