Full Name
Chen Song Xi
(not current staff)
Chen, S.X.I.
Chen, S.X.
Chen, S.-X.
XiChen, S.


Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12000A nonparametric approach to the analysis of two-stage mark-recapture experimentsChen, S.X. ; Lloyd, C.J.
22003An empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test for time seriesChen, S.X. ; Härdle, W.; Li, M. 
3Jan-2003An extended empirical likelihood for generalized linear modelsChen, S.X. ; Cui, H.
42000Animal abundance estimation in independent observer line transect surveysChen, S.X. 
5Mar-2002Confidence intervals based on local linear smootherChen, S.X. ; Qin, Y.S.
62003Coverage accuracy of confidence intervals in nonparametric regressionChen, S.-X. ; Qin, Y.-S.
7Jan-2003Effects of Bagging and bias correction on estimators defined by estimating equationsChen, S.X. ; Hall, P.
82000Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for local linear smoothersChen, S.X.I. ; Qin, Y.S.
915-Oct-2003Empirical likelihood-based confidence intervals for data with possible zero observationsChen, S.X. ; Qin, J.
10Apr-2002Estimation of population size from biased samples using non-parametric binary regressionChen, S.X. ; Lloyd, C.J.
11Dec-2003Information Recovery in a Study with Surrogate EndpointsChen, S.X. ; Leung, D.H.Y.; Qin, J.
122002Local linear smoothers using asymmetric kernelsChen, S.X. 
132001Measurement errors in line transect surveys where detectability varies with distance and sizeChen, S.X. ; Cowling, A.
142000Probability density function estimation using gamma kernelsChen, S.X. 
152002Sequential estimation in line transect surveysXiChen, S. ; Yip, P.S.F.; Zhou, Y.