Full Name
Sheela Reuben
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Reuben, S.
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Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12013A bacterial quercetin oxidoreductase quoa-mediated perturbation in the phenylpropanoid metabolic network increases lignification with a concomitant decrease in phenolamides in arabidopsisReuben, S. ; Rai, A.; Pillai, B.V.S.; Rodrigues, A.; Swarup, S. 
22012Bacterial diversity on different surfaces in urban freshwaterReuben, S. ; Chua, C.L.N.; Fam, K.D.; Thian, Z.Y.A.; Kang, M.K.; Swarup, S. 
3Jun-2011datPAV-an online processing, analysis and visualization tool for exploratory investigation of experimental dataBiswas, A. ; Rao, R. ; Umashankar, S.; Mynampati, K.C. ; Reuben, S. ; Parab, G.; Swarup, S. 
411-Aug-2010Metdat: A modular and workflow-based free online pipeline for mass spectrometry data processing, analysis and interpretationBiswas, A. ; Mynampati, K.C. ; Umashankar, S.; Reuben, S. ; Parab, G.; Rao, R. ; Kannan, V.S.; Swarup, S. 
52013Reduction of nutrient contaminants into shallow eutrophic waters through vegetated treatment bedsHan, P. ; Vijayaraghavan, K.; Reuben, S. ; Estrada, E.S.; Joshi, U.M.
6Dec-2008The promoter signatures in rice LEA genes can be used to build a co-expressing LEA gene networkMeier, S.; Gehring, C.; MacPherson, C.R.; Kaur, M.; Maqungo, M.; Reuben, S. ; Muyanga, S.; Shih, M.-D.; Wei, F.-J.; Wanchana, S.; Mauleon, R.; Radovanovic, A.; Bruskiewich, R.; Tanaka, T.; Mohanty, B.; Itoh, T.; Wing, R.; Gojobori, T.; Sasaki, T.; Swarup, S. ; Hsing, Y.-i.; Bajic, V.B.