Full Name
Hanqin Zhang
Zhang, H.


Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12011Algorithms for coxianization of phase-type generatorsHe, Q.-M.; Zhang, H. ; Xue, J.
2Aug-2013Diffusion approximations for open Jackson networks with renegingHuang, J.; Zhang, H. 
32013Majorization and Extremal PH DistributionsHe, Q.-M.; Zhang, H. ; Vera, J.C.
42013Managing downstream competition via capacity allocationChen, F.; Li, J.; Zhang, H. 
52011Near-optimal (r,Q) policies for a two-stage serial inventory system with Poisson demandYang, L.; Yang, J.; Yu, G.; Zhang, H. 
616-Aug-2013On properties of discrete (r, q) and (s, T) inventory systemsAng, M.; Song, J.-S.; Wang, M.; Zhang, H. 
72012On some properties of bivariate exponential distributionsHe, Q.-M.; Zhang, H. ; Vera, J.C.
81-Nov-2017Optimal Ordering Policy for Inventory Systems with Quantity-Dependent Setup CostsHe, Shuangchi ; Yao, Dacheng; Zhang, Hanqin 
92013Performance analysis of an inventory-production system with shipment consolidation in the production facilityHe, Q.-M.; Zhang, H. 
1021-Nov-2022Periodic Review Inventory Models with Multiclass Demands and Fixed Order CostsVidyadhar G. Kulkarni; Li Xiao; Hanqin Zhang 
112011Risk analysis of commitment-option contracts with forecast updatesBuzacott, J.; Yan, H.; Zhang, H. 
12Mar-2014Stability of multi-class queueing networks with infinite virtual queuesGuo, Y.; Lefeber, E.; Nazarathy, Y.; Weiss, G.; Zhang, H. 
132010The effect of lead time and demand uncertainties in (r, q) inventory systemsSong, J.-S.; Zhang, H. ; Hou, Y.; Wang, M.