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Title: Nonlinear refraction and absorption in metal cluster compound (n-Bu4N)4[Mo8Cu12O8S 24]: The dispersion behavior and optical limiting effect
Authors: Ji, W. 
Xie, W. 
Tang, S.H. 
Shi, S. 
Keywords: Metal cluster compounds
Optical limiting effects
Optical nonlinearities
Issue Date: Jan-1996
Citation: Ji, W., Xie, W., Tang, S.H., Shi, S. (1996-01). Nonlinear refraction and absorption in metal cluster compound (n-Bu4N)4[Mo8Cu12O8S 24]: The dispersion behavior and optical limiting effect. Materials Chemistry and Physics 43 (1) : 45-51. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We report the observation of time resolved self-defocusing effects in metal cluster compound (n-Bu4N)4[Mo8Cu12O8S 24]. We also present the dispersion of the nonlinear refractive index, n2, of the compound measured over a spectral range below the resonance 2.45 eV. The time resolved self-defocusing effects clearly indicate that the observed nonlinear refraction should be of electronic origin. The dispersion can be fit by a two-level model. Away from the resonance, n2 = -2 × 10-11 cm2 W-1 M-1, while at 532 nm, just below the resonance, n2 = -(2.3 ± 0.5) × 10-9 cm2 W-1 M-1. In addition, the measurements reveal the involvement of excited state absorption. Based on these observed nonlinearities, optical limiting of the compound has been demonstrated with nanosecond laser pulses of 532 nm wavelength.
Source Title: Materials Chemistry and Physics
ISSN: 02540584
DOI: 10.1016/0254-0584(95)01602-3
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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