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Title: Lattice strain directed synthesis of anatase TiO2 single-crystal microplatelet arrays on α-MoO3 (010) template
Authors: Yang, H.G.
Zeng, H.C. 
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2004
Citation: Yang, H.G.,Zeng, H.C. (2004-01-22). Lattice strain directed synthesis of anatase TiO2 single-crystal microplatelet arrays on α-MoO3 (010) template. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (3) : 819-823. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A versatile synthetic process for anatase TiO2 microplatelet arrays has been investigated by utilizing lattice mismatches between the overlayer and the template ((010) surface of α-MoO3). Several controlling parameters, such as organic modifiers and reactant concentrations, have also been identified for the synthesis of oriented anatase TiO2 microplatelets and nanowires. The method developed in this work should be applicable to other oxide systems via investigating the interplay between structural resemblance and lattice mismatch.
Source Title: Journal of Physical Chemistry B
ISSN: 15206106
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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