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Title: Use of engineering strain and Trefftz theory in buckling of columns
Authors: Wang, C.M. 
Alwis, W.A.M. 
Issue Date: Oct-1992
Citation: Wang, C.M.,Alwis, W.A.M. (1992-10). Use of engineering strain and Trefftz theory in buckling of columns. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 118 (10) : 2135-2140. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The elastic buckling of clolumns with allowance for prebuckling axial shortening was analyzed using the engineering strain definition and compared with earlier results that were based on Green strain definition. The governing equilibrium equation becomes slightly different in the sense that the flexural rigidity is factored upward by suared lambda instead of strainght lambda, as in previous studies.
Source Title: Journal of Engineering Mechanics
ISSN: 07339399
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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