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Title: Derivation of the complete stress-strain curves for concrete in compression
Authors: Mansur, M.A. 
Wee, T.H. 
Chin, M.S. 
Issue Date: Dec-1995
Citation: Mansur, M.A.,Wee, T.H.,Chin, M.S. (1995-12). Derivation of the complete stress-strain curves for concrete in compression. Magazine of Concrete Research 47 (173) : 285-290. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A closed-loop servo-controlled hydraulic testing machine can be used to generate experimentally the complete stress-strain curves for concrete in compression. However, the deformation readings obtained from the built-in low-voltage displacement transducers or other transducers placed between the machine platens include not only deformations of the concrete but also those due to machine flexibility and end-restraint of the specimen. In this paper, a correction factor is proposed to account for these effects. This requires the use of a compressometer fixed directly to the test specimen and transducers placed between the machine platens. More realistic stress-strain curves for concrete with cylinder (100 × 200 mm) compressive strengths of up to 130 MPa have thus been obtained for the entire loading range.
Source Title: Magazine of Concrete Research
ISSN: 00249831
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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