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Title: Analysis of meta-programs: An example
Authors: Jarzabek, S. 
Zhang, H.
Shen, R.U.
Lam, V.T.
Zhenxin, S. 
Keywords: Debugging
Program analysis
Program queries
Program understanding
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: Jarzabek, S., Zhang, H., Shen, R.U., Lam, V.T., Zhenxin, S. (2006). Analysis of meta-programs: An example. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16 (1) : 77-101. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Meta-programs are generic, incomplete, adaptable programs that are instantiated at construction time to meet specific requirements. Templates and generative techniques are examples of meta-programming techniques. Understanding of meta-programs is more difficult than understanding of concrete, executable programs. Static and dynamic analysis methods have been applied to ease understanding of programs - can similar methods be used for meta-programs? In our projects, we build meta-programs with a meta-programming technique called XVCL. Meta-programs in XVCL are organized into a hierarchy of meta-components from which the XVCL processor generates concrete, executable programs that meet specific requirements. We developed an automated system that analyzes XVCL meta-programs, and presents developers with information that helps them work with meta-programs more effectively. Our system conducts both static and dynamic analysis of a. meta-program. An integral part of our solution is a query language, FQL in which we formulate questions about meta-prograin properties. An FQL query processor automatically answers a class of queries. The analysis method described in the paper is specific to XVCL. However, the principle of our approach can be applied to other meta-programming systems. We believe readers interested in metaprogramming in general will find some of the lessons from our experiment interesting and useful. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
Source Title: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
ISSN: 02181940
DOI: 10.1142/S0218194006002689
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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