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Title: Women's perspectives on responses to intimate partner violence
Keywords: IPV, qualitative method, social service agencies, education, empowerment, model of politicization
Issue Date: 3-Feb-2006
Citation: SOHINI BASU (2006-02-03). Women's perspectives on responses to intimate partner violence. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The qualitative study focuses on womena??s ways of responses to intimate partner violence (IPV), both physical and sexual. Twenty respondents from an organisation in Calcutta volunteered to participate in this study. A number of the responses have been a challenge to patriarchal power. The contact with social service agencies, along with womena??s education and employment are highlighted as factors in challenging patriarchal power. A model of politicisation based on the feminist interpretation of power has been proposed to empower victims for direct action against intimate partner violence.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Open)

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