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Title: Analysis of multi-server round robin service disciplines
Keywords: multi-server scheduling discipline, service guarantee, fairness guarantee, packet misordering
Issue Date: 8-May-2005
Citation: XIAO HAIMING (2005-05-08). Analysis of multi-server round robin service disciplines. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: With the need and adoption of link aggregation where multiple links exist between two adjacent nodes in order to increase tansmission capacity between them, there arise the problems of service guarantee and fair sharing of multiple servers. Although a lot of significant work has been done for single-server scheduling disciplines in the past years, no much work is available for multi-server scheduling disciplines. In the thesis, two round robin based multi-server scheduling disciplines which are Multi-Server Uniform Round Robin (MS-URR) and Multi-Server Deficit Round Robin(MS-DRR) are presented and investigated. Particularly, their service guarantees and fairness bounds are analyzed. In addition, the misordering problem with MS-DRR is discussed and a bound for its misordering probability is presented. Finally, solutions are provided to eliminate misordering problem in multi-server scheduling.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Open)

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Analysis of Multi-Server Round Robin Service Disciplines, by Xiao Haiming, Master, ECE, 2005.pdf489.01 kBAdobe PDF



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