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Title: Web-based electromagnetic simulation
Authors: FAN YUN
Keywords: Internet-computing, web-based electromagnetic simulation, Java-applet, Java-servlet, FDTD method, computational electromagnetics
Issue Date: 11-Mar-2004
Citation: FAN YUN (2004-03-11). Web-based electromagnetic simulation. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Electromagnetic simulators have traditionally been used as back-end analysis tools to verify the results of circuit simulators. They work by accurately modeling the physical effects in a variety of structures ranging from transmission lines to planar circuits.Most of electromagnetic simulation packages are available on UNIX workstations running at X Windows, Windows NT and 2000. However, modeling and simulation of complex electromagnetic problems should run at high capacities and expensive supercomputers, as well as their maintenance. With the development of web resources, it is evident how important it is to design simulation tools which could take advantage of the Web. This thesis discusses the methodology and development of web-based electromagnetic simulation system, which enables users to simulate complex electromagnetic problems and visualize the results at different platforms at different location. Web applications techniques, including socket communication, multithreading programming, communication among applet, servlets, and VRML techniques, are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Open)

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