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Title: Localisation of the C1q binding site within C1q receptor/calreticulin
Authors: Stuart, G.R.
Lynch, N.J.
Lu, J. 
Geick, A.
Moffatt, B.E.
Sim, R.B.
Schwaeble, W.J.
Keywords: C1q binding site
C1q receptor
Issue Date: 18-Nov-1996
Citation: Stuart, G.R., Lynch, N.J., Lu, J., Geick, A., Moffatt, B.E., Sim, R.B., Schwaeble, W.J. (1996-11-18). Localisation of the C1q binding site within C1q receptor/calreticulin. FEBS Letters 397 (2-3) : 245-249. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: C1q receptor (C1qR/colectin receptor) is located on many cell types. Binding of C1q to these cells elicits numerous responses. Protein sequencing has shown that C1qR is almost identical to calreticulin (CaR), an abundant multifunctional protein. Radioiodinated C1qR and CaR bind to C1q with identical characteristics. Three recombinant C1qR/CaR domains (N-, C-terminal domains and central P-domain) were expressed using the Thiofusion system, and used to study the interaction with C1q. Both the N- and P-domains were implicated in C1q binding. A region, termed the S-domain, spanning the N and P intersection was expressed, and showed concentration-dependent binding to C1q, demonstrating that the C1q binding site lies within this region.
Source Title: FEBS Letters
ISSN: 00145793
DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(96)01156-8
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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