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Title: From stein identities to moderate deviations
Authors: Chen, L.H.Y. 
Fang, X.
Shao, Q.-M.
Keywords: Anti-voter model
Berry-Esseen bounds
Combinatorial central limit theorem
Curie-Weiss model
Dependent random variables
Exchangeable pairs
General system of binary codes
Moderate deviations
Stein identity
Stein's method
Zero-bias coupling
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Citation: Chen, L.H.Y., Fang, X., Shao, Q.-M. (2013-01). From stein identities to moderate deviations. Annals of Probability 41 (1) : 262-293. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Stein's method is applied to obtain a general Cramér-type moderate deviation result for dependent random variables whose dependence is defined in terms of a Stein identity. A corollary for zero-bias coupling is deduced. The result is also applied to a combinatorial central limit theorem, a general system of binary codes, the anti-voter model on a complete graph, and the Curie-Weiss model. A general moderate deviation result for independent random variables is also proved. © Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013.
Source Title: Annals of Probability
ISSN: 00911798
DOI: 10.1214/12-AOP746
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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