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Title: A reconstruction of Euler data
Authors: Lian, B.H. 
Liu, C.-H.
Yau, S.-T.
Issue Date: Apr-2003
Citation: Lian, B.H., Liu, C.-H., Yau, S.-T. (2003-04). A reconstruction of Euler data. Journal of Algebraic Geometry 12 (2) : 269-284. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We apply the mirror principle (see Mirror principle, I, Asian J. Math. 1 (1997), pp. 729-763) to reconstruct the Euler data Q = {Qd}d∈ℕ∪{0} associated to a vector bundle V on ℂPn and a multiplicative class b. This gives a direct way to compute the intersection number Kd without referring to any other Euler data linked to Q. Here Kd is the integral of the cohomology class b(Vd) of the induced bundle Vd on a stable map moduli space. A package "EulerData_MP.m" in Maple V that carries out the actual computation is provided in the electronic version math.AG/0003071 of the current paper. For b, the Chern polynomial, the computation of K1 for the bundle V = T*ℂP2, and Kd, d = 1, 2, 3, for the bundles script O signℂP4(l) with 6 ≤ l ≤ 10 are done using the code and are also included.
Source Title: Journal of Algebraic Geometry
ISSN: 10563911
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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