YEO ZHI YONG, CARLSOCIOLOGY2020-09-302020-09-302020-04-28YEO ZHI YONG, CARL (2020-04-28). THE SOCIAL NETWORKS OF DRUG ABUSERS AND THE LINK TO RESOURCES THAT AFFECT RELAPSE OR RECOVERY. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. abuse is a key problem. Research on social capital and recovery from drug abuse have had conflicting results. In addition, it is unknown how types of social networks (kin, non-kin) affects available resources. This study examined social capital (network, resources) and its relevance for recovery in 91 male drug abusers. A multiple method design of quantitative survey and qualitative interview was used. Results showed that those in recovery had a larger social network with fewer criminal/drug friends. The type of relationship mattered as friends were more important for recovery than family. Second, resources within social networks affected participants’ recovery or relapse outcomes. Third, changing social capital required access to non-users which was facilitated by half-way houses, religious organisations, and charity groups. Future studies should differentiate between kinship and non-kinship ties and examine positive and negative aspects of social capital. Implications for drug rehabilitation practice are also discussed.endrug abuse, recovery, social network, social capital, kinship, mixed methodTHE SOCIAL NETWORKS OF DRUG ABUSERS AND THE LINK TO RESOURCES THAT AFFECT RELAPSE OR RECOVERYThesis0000-0002-6478-6757