PRICOPI MIHAICOMPUTER SCIENCE2014-06-302014-06-302014-02-05PRICOPI MIHAI (2014-02-05). A DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS MULTI-CORE ARCHITECTURE. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. systems have made an irreversible transition towards parallel architectures with the emergence of multi-cores. The existing trends indicate that multi-cores (and even many-cores) will comprise of collections of simple cores rather than complex cores. However, contemporary applications have highly diverse computation requirements that are hard to satisfy with a set of simple homogeneous cores. While parallel applications can benefit from thread-level parallelism offered by such multi-core solutions, there still exist a large number of applications with substantial amount of sequential code. In this thesis, we design and evaluate a novel dynamic heterogeneous multi-core architecture, called Bahurupi, that can successfully reconcile the conflicting demands of instruction-level and thread-level parallelism. Bahurupi can accelerate the performance of serial code by dynamically forming coalition of two or more simple cores to offer increased instruction-level parallelism.enmulti-core, heterogeneous, ILP, TLP, adaptive, asymmetricA DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS MULTI-CORE ARCHITECTUREThesisNOT_IN_WOS