Ko, C.C.Li, C.P.ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING2014-06-172014-06-171994-10Ko, C.C., Li, C.P. (1994-10). Adaptive IIR structure for the separation, enhancement, and tracking of multiple sinusoids. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 42 (10) : 2832-2834. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. https://doi.org/10.1109/78.3247471053587Xhttps://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/61755A new IIR adaptive algorithm for separating, enhancing and tracking multiple sinusoids is investigated. In this algorithm, up to M complex sinusoids are individually tracked by passing the input into a Mth order IIR notch filter and then into a parallel bank of M first-order all-pole filters whose poles are equal to the zeros of the notch filter. The advantages of the algorithm are O(M) implementation complexity, separation of the sinusoids, one asymptotic time constant and inherent stability with poles constrained to be inside the unit circle.Adaptive IIR structure for the separation, enhancement, and tracking of multiple sinusoidsArticleA1994PL44200026