Chamie, GabrielSchaffer, Elisabeth MNdyabakira, AlexEmperador, Devy MKwarisiima, DalsoneCamlin, Carol SHavlir, Diane VKahn, James GKamya, Moses RThirumurthy, HarshaDUKE-NUS MEDICAL SCHOOL2023-05-222023-05-222018-07-17Chamie, Gabriel, Schaffer, Elisabeth M, Ndyabakira, Alex, Emperador, Devy M, Kwarisiima, Dalsone, Camlin, Carol S, Havlir, Diane V, Kahn, James G, Kamya, Moses R, Thirumurthy, Harsha (2018-07-17). Comparative effectiveness of novel nonmonetary incentives to promote HIV testing. AIDS 32 (11) : 1443-1451. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. testingincentivesloss aversionlotteriesmenrandomized controlled trialUgandaComparative effectiveness of novel nonmonetary incentives to promote HIV testingArticle2023-05-19