Tan, H.Ye, E.Fan, W.Y.CHEMISTRY2014-10-162014-10-162006-03-03Tan, H., Ye, E., Fan, W.Y. (2006-03-03). Alumina-template synthesis of fluorescent RuO2 nanotubes derived from Ru3(CO)12 clusters. Advanced Materials 18 (5) : 619-623. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.20050135609359648https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/93072The thermal decomposition of Ru3(CO)12 inside the pores of AAO templates has been used to prepare nanometer-diameter, micrometer-length RuO2 nanotubes. SEM images of the RuO2 nanostructures were presented. It was seen that a high density of nanostructures of a uniform diameter and up to a micrometer in length has been grown using the AAO template method. The UV-vis absorption spectrum of RuO2 nanotubes dispersed in water was shown. TEM images of RuO2 nanotubes dispersed on a carbon-coated copper grid were also shown. The formation of RuO2 nanotubes from Ru3(CO)12 has been monitored using FTIR spectroscopy.Alumina-template synthesis of fluorescent RuO2 nanotubes derived from Ru3(CO)12 clustersArticle000236379200016