NG YONG JUNBUILDING2020-12-292022-04-222021-01-112022-04-222020-12-29NG YONG JUN (2020-12-29). INFLUENCE OF HUMAN VALUES AND PRIDE-RELATED EMOTIONS ON FACILITY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS' WORK OUTCOMES. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. the growing demand for new buildings and infrastructure in Singapore together with an increase in the standard of living amongst Singaporeans, expectations for Facility Management (FM) department have also heightened over the years. In order to meet demands from various parties such as owners, contractors and occupants, it is essential for FM professionals to better their work outcomes. The aim of this dissertation is to identify the association between human values, pride-related emotions and work outcomes in improving the work outcomes of FM professionals. From the literature review, 18 human values, 3 forms of pride-related emotions and 4 work outcomes were identified. A questionnaire was then designed targeting FM professionals whom are managing building projects in Singapore at the point of time. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all surveys were conducted via online platform. Based on the survey findings, 3 semi-structured interviews were conducted with FM professionals validate and understand the survey findings. SPSS software together with Python and Pandas programming packages were utilised to analyse the data. Based on one-sample t-test, it was concluded that all 18 human values, 3 pride-related emotions and work outcomes were found to have a significant presence amongst the FM professionals. It was also observed that pride-related emotions hold a stronger impact in affecting FM professionals work outcomes. Results from Spearman’s Correlation analysis affirmed that the values such as ambitious and capable, and the pride formed when employees find their company’s work meaningful and are proud to work for their company hold the highest association with FM professionals’ work outcomes. Based on the findings and interviews, it is recommended for organizations to enhance on employee recognition for example in formal company events and adjust their work environment to promote admissible values while considering human values as part of future recruitment and promotion evaluation.enResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCESHuman ValuesPride-Related EmotionsFacility ManagementFacility Management Work OutcomesDegree of B.Sc. (Project and Facilities Management)BuildingPFMProject and Facilities Management2020/2021 PFMLing Yean Yng FlorenceINFLUENCE OF HUMAN VALUES AND PRIDE-RELATED EMOTIONS ON FACILITY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS' WORK OUTCOMESDissertation