TAN CHIEW PENGSCHOOL OF BUILDING & REAL ESTATE2022-01-072022-01-072003TAN CHIEW PENG (2003). THE CHANGI AIRPORT MRT EXTENSION (CAE) - AN ALTERNATIVE MODE OF TRANSPORT. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/213306With the mission of building a world-class transport system in Singapore, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) was tasked with developing an extensive Rapid Transit System (RTS). After years of continual development and construction, the LTA has successfully developed Singapore's very own Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System In order to integrate the MRT system with the other forms of public transport, MRT stations were being located near or at public bus interchanges, major industrial areas and now, even the airport. The new Changi Airport MRT Extension (CAE) was constructed and has since been in operation commencing from 8"' February 2002. This dissertation seeks to explore the various possible modes of transport to and fro the Changi Airport and also if the CAE was used as a primary mode of transport to gain access to other parts of the island from the airport. This study examines the ridership of the CAE in three distinct groups of passengers, namely travellers, workers and the 'others' groups. Speed, Convenience and Frequency were also hypothesized to be the most important considerations in using the CAE. After carefully analysis, results showed that the CAE was not the major mode of transport for commuters travelling to and fro the Changi Airport. The highest number of CAE patrons were respondents in the 'others' group. These were commuters who had leisure objectives in coming to the airport and were not very concerned about journey speed. It was also found that the most important consideration of using the CAE were convenience, speed and cost of usage Although the CAE is currently not used as the main mode of transport to and fro the Changi Airport, there lies great potential in it becoming one in time to come. In order for that to materialize, the CAE has to reinforce it services in terms of convenience, speed and cost of usage. The CAE has also got to improve on factors that discourage commuters from using its services as recommended in this dissertation.THE CHANGI AIRPORT MRT EXTENSION (CAE) - AN ALTERNATIVE MODE OF TRANSPORTThesis