Holland, MVan Dal, MDuriez, BOxland, RVellianitis, GDoornbos, GAfzalian, AChen, T.-KHsieh, C.-HRamvall, PVasen, TYeo, Y.-CPasslack, MELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING2020-10-202020-10-202017Holland, M, Van Dal, M, Duriez, B, Oxland, R, Vellianitis, G, Doornbos, G, Afzalian, A, Chen, T.-K, Hsieh, C.-H, Ramvall, P, Vasen, T, Yeo, Y.-C, Passlack, M (2017). Atomically flat and uniform relaxed III-V epitaxial films on silicon substrate for heterogeneous and hybrid integration. Scientific Reports 7 (1) : 14632. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-15025-020452322https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/178298The integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon (Si) substrate has been an active field of research for more than 30 years. Various approaches have been investigated, including growth of buffer layers to accommodate the lattice mismatch between the Si substrate and the III-V layer, Si- or Ge-on-insulator, epitaxial transfer methods, epitaxial lateral overgrowth, aspect-ratio-trapping techniques, and interfacial misfit array formation. However, manufacturing standards have not been met and significant levels of remaining defectivity, high cost, and complex integration schemes have hampered large scale commercial impact. Here we report on low cost, relaxed, atomically smooth, and surface undulation free lattice mismatched III-V epitaxial films grown in wide-fields of micrometer size on 300 mm Si(100) and (111) substrates. The crystallographic quality of the epitaxial film beyond a few atomic layers from the Si substrate is accomplished by formation of an interfacial misfit array. This development may enable future platforms of integrated low-power logic, power amplifiers, voltage controllers, and optoelectronics components. © 2017 The Author(s).Attribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Atomically flat and uniform relaxed III-V epitaxial films on silicon substrate for heterogeneous and hybrid integrationArticle