THONG WEI QING VALERYTHE BUILT ENVIRONMENT2022-06-072022-06-072022THONG WEI QING VALERY (2022). IMPACT OF BIPV ON COOLING LOAD AND LIFECYCLE COSTING IN SINGAPORE. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. built environment accounts for a significant share of energy consumption. With the threat of climate change and unreliable energy security, it is important to reconsider the use of BIPV for buildings. Although solar PV is popular, the adoption rate of BIPV is slow. Industry stakeholders in Singapore have expressed unfamiliarity concerns regarding BIPV. Therefore to improve adoption rates, this paper aims to study energy and cost impacts of BIPV. Most of the simulation results displayed an increase in energy consumption instead of energy savings. SHGC of BIPV is found to play a dominant role in affecting cooling loads. The EUI and % increase in fans energy consumption increases by about 3kWh/m² and 4.5% with every scenario, proportional to the increase in SHGC and VT values, from dark glass to high transparency glass BIPV. The LCC of BIPV is most affected by power output and SHGC. There is an increasing positive trend between reduction in SHGC and energy efficiency savings. The cost of BIPV (SGD/m²) is more expensive than the average cladding wall but similar, if not lower, than curtain wall prices in Singapore. The main limitations for this study include excluding shading effects from nearby buildings and the environment, lack of a calibration of the model with measured data was not performed and the lack of real cost data for the calculation of the LCC.BIPVcooling loadSHGCIMPACT OF BIPV ON COOLING LOAD AND LIFECYCLE COSTING IN SINGAPOREDissertation