Albacete, PabloMartinez, Jose ILi, XingLopez-Moreno, AlejandroMena-Hernando, SodaPlatero-Prats, Ana EMontoro, CarmenLoh, Kian PingPerez, Emilio MZamora, FelixCHEMISTRY2020-05-042020-05-042018-10-10Albacete, Pablo, Martinez, Jose I, Li, Xing, Lopez-Moreno, Alejandro, Mena-Hernando, Soda, Platero-Prats, Ana E, Montoro, Carmen, Loh, Kian Ping, Perez, Emilio M, Zamora, Felix (2018-10-10). Layer-Stacking-Driven Fluorescence in a Two-Dimensional Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Framework. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 140 (40) : 12922-12929. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. © 2018 American Chemical Society. Schiff-condensation reactions carried out between 1,6-diaminopyrene (DAP) and the tritopical 1,3,5 benzenetricarbaldehyde (BTCA) or 2,4,6-triformylphloroglucinol (TP) ligands give rise to the formation of two-dimensional imine-based covalent-organic frameworks (COFs), named IMDEA-COF-1 and -2, respectively. These materials show dramatic layer-packing-driven fluorescence in solid state arising from the three-dimensional arrangement of the pyrene units among layers. Layer stacking within these 2D-COF materials to give either eclipsed or staggered conformations can be controlled, at an atomic level through chemical design of the building blocks used in their synthesis. Theoretical calculations have been used to rationalize the different preferential packing between both COFs. IMDEA-COF-1 shows green emission with absolute photoluminescence quantum yield of 3.5% in solid state. This material represents the first example of imine-linked 2D-COF showing emission in solid state.enScience & TechnologyPhysical SciencesChemistry, MultidisciplinaryChemistryHIGHLY CRYSTALLINECONSTRUCTIONHYDROGENLUMINESCENTABSORPTIONSTABILITYREMOVALLayer-Stacking-Driven Fluorescence in a Two-Dimensional Imine-Linked Covalent Organic FrameworkArticle2020-05-04