谢俊宇CHIA CHUN YEECHINESE STUDIES2021-05-242021-05-242021-04-08谢俊宇, CHIA CHUN YEE (2021-04-08). 耗尽国运以“开途”——秦、隋朝迅速灭亡解析=OPENING A PATH IN EXPENSE OF ITS FORTUNES: ANALYSING THE RAPID DEMISE OF QIN AND SUI DYNASTIES. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/191444The rapid demise of Qin and Sui dynasties are not without its reasons. While the two dynasties had their fair share of accomplishments, the regimes were mainly marred with bad governance and poor decisions. For the Qin Dynasty, there were aggressive and violent policies which put much burden onto the citizens. Instead of enhancing border defences and focusing on internal development, Qin Shi Huang sought to expand the empire with aggressive military campaigns on two fronts, heaping physical, financial, and psychological burdens on his people. By burning books and burying scholars, accompanied with harsh penalties on crimes, he tried to establish a firm control over the country. Instead, it forced the people into opposing him and gave royals from the six kingdoms a reason to fight against him. The aggression and violence from the regime’s rule expedited its demise. As for the Sui Dynasty, there was too much projects and activities which exhausted the power of the nation, while the continuous campaigns on Goryeo created instability in the society. Moreover, the nation had always been instable politically, and the multiple failures finally created divisions among the elites and also rebellions by the citizens, which led to the demise of the Sui regime.zh秦朝隋朝军事文化焚书坑儒律法经济社会政治汉朝唐朝耗尽国运以“开途”——秦、隋朝迅速灭亡解析=OPENING A PATH IN EXPENSE OF ITS FORTUNES: ANALYSING THE RAPID DEMISE OF QIN AND SUI DYNASTIESThesis