QIAN BOHISTORY2010-04-082010-04-082007-03-30QIAN BO (2007-03-30). BROTHERHOOD SOCIETIES IN CHINA: THEIR EVOLUTION IN GUANGDONG , 1900-1910. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/16171This thesis examines the Chinese brotherhood societiesa?? evolution through their activities in Guangdong province during the last decade of the Qing Dynasty, from both internal and external perspectives. The Chinese brotherhood societies had been both isolated from, but at the same time, part of the whole Chinese society during the early and mid-Qing China. Nevertheless, at the turn of the twentieth century their position in rural society was profoundly marginalized. By explaining how the social and economic conditions, the government authorities, the public discourses and the revolutionary propagandasa?? impacted on the Guangdong brotherhood societies, this research traces the course of how the image of a??secret societiesa?? was formed.enbrotherhood societies, Guangdong, evolution, 1911 RevolutionBROTHERHOOD SOCIETIES IN CHINA: THEIR EVOLUTION IN GUANGDONG , 1900-1910ThesisNOT_IN_WOS