Li, JCzene, KBrauch, HSchroth, WSaladores, PLi, YHumphreys, KHall, PSURGERY2020-11-102020-11-102013Li, J, Czene, K, Brauch, H, Schroth, W, Saladores, P, Li, Y, Humphreys, K, Hall, P (2013). Association of CYP2D6 metabolizer status with mammographic density change in response to tamoxifen treatment. Breast Cancer Research 15 (5) : R93. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. Not all breast cancer patients respond to tamoxifen treatment, possibly due to genetic predisposition. As tamoxifen-induced reductions in percent mammographic density (PMD) have been linked to the risk and prognosis of breast cancer, we conducted a candidate gene study to investigate the association between germline CYP2D6 polymorphisms and PMD change.Methods: Baseline and follow-up mammograms were retrieved for 278 tamoxifen-treated subjects with CYP2D6 metabolizer status (extensive (EM), heterozygous extensive/intermediate (hetEM/IM) or poor metabolizer (PM)). Logistic regression analyses were conducted comparing subjects who experienced >10% reduction in PMD to those who experienced ?10% reduction or increase.Results: After multivariate adjustment, PMD change was found to be significantly associated with the degree of CYP2D6 enzyme functionality (Ptrend = 0.021). Compared with EM, hetEM/IM and PM were 72% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.10 to 0.79) and 71% (0.03 to 2.62) less likely to experience a >10% reduction, respectively.Conclusions: Tamoxifen-induced change in PMD appears to have a genetic component. © 2013 Li et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Attribution 4.0 International P450 2D6tamoxifenantineoplastic hormone agonists and antagoniststamoxifenadultagedarticlebody massbreast cancerenzyme polymorphismfemalefollow upgenetic variabilityhumanmajor clinical studymammographic densitymammographyquantitative traittreatment responsebreast tumorcongenital malformationgenetic polymorphismgeneticsgenotypemammary glandmammographic densitymetabolismmiddle agedpathologyprognosisrisk factortreatment outcomeAgedAntineoplastic Agents, HormonalBreast NeoplasmsCytochrome P-450 CYP2D6FemaleGenotypeHumansMammary Glands, HumanMiddle AgedPolymorphism, GeneticPrognosisRisk FactorsTamoxifenTreatment OutcomeAssociation of CYP2D6 metabolizer status with mammographic density change in response to tamoxifen treatmentArticle