PRISCILLA ANG WEI LITHE BUILT ENVIRONMENT2022-06-072022-06-072022PRISCILLA ANG WEI LI (2022). AN ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF FACILITY PLANNING ON THE DOWNSTREAM FACILITY OPERATION MANAGEMENT PHASE.. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. and infrastructure developments have been one of societies’ greatest achievements, and it often lauded to be the basis of society and it persists to be one of the biggest industries in the world. (Ojomo, 2018) As we progress into the 21st century, there is greater emphasis placed on effectivity, especially with our technological advances. The planning and operations processes are fundamental to all building and infrastructure projects around the world.FacilityOperationManagementPlanningBuildingInfrastructureMaintenancePhaseAN ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF FACILITY PLANNING ON THE DOWNSTREAM FACILITY OPERATION MANAGEMENT PHASE.Dissertation