伍美芬NG MAY FUNCHINESE STUDIES2010-04-082010-04-082007-02-22伍美芬, NG MAY FUN (2007-02-22). 新加坡福建人社群之研究(1945-1965) = The Hokkien Community in Singapore (1945-1965): A Socio-Cultural Study. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/15666Singapore is an immigrant society. Out of the total population, 76% is Chinese. Among the Chinese immigrants, 45% are Hokkien. Being the most prominent dialect group, the Hokkien left a significant influence to the Chinese society. This dissertation focuses on Singapore Hokkien community between the time periods 1945-1965. This was a crucial period in Singapore history where changes took place in different aspects of the society. It was also a period of transition for the Chinese society in Singapore. The areas of discussion include societal, cultural and economical activities of the Hokkiens. To date, there is no literature which looked at Hokkien community (1945-1965) in depth, this dissertation aims to fill the gap and bring to lights the contributions made by this prominent dialect group. Last but not least, this dissertation hopes to play its part in the development of the research of Singapore Chinese society.zhHokkien Community, Post-war Singapore, Societal activities, Economical activities, Chinese Education, Chinese Entrepreneurs新加坡福建人社群之研究(1945-1965) = The Hokkien Community in Singapore (1945-1965): A Socio-Cultural StudyThesisNOT_IN_WOS