Telychko, MBerger, JMajzik, ZJelínek, PSvec, MCHEMISTRY2020-11-172020-11-172015Telychko, M, Berger, J, Majzik, Z, Jelínek, P, Svec, M (2015). Graphene on SiC(0001) inspected by dynamic atomic force microscopy at room temperature. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6 (1) : 901-906. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. investigated single-layer graphene on SiC(0001) by atomic force and tunneling current microscopy, to separate the topographic and electronic contributions from the overall landscape. The analysis revealed that the roughness evaluated from the atomic force maps is very low, in accord with theoretical simulations. We also observed that characteristic electron scattering effects on graphene edges and defects are not accompanied by any out-of-plane relaxations of carbon atoms. © 2015 Telychko et al; licensee Beilstein-Institut.Attribution 4.0 International force microscopyCarbonElectron scatteringSilicon carbideAFMDynamic atomic force microscopyElectronic contributionsRoom temperatureSiCSTMTheoretical simulationTunneling currentGrapheneGraphene on SiC(0001) inspected by dynamic atomic force microscopy at room temperatureArticle