Shen, Z.Zimmermann, R.COMPUTER SCIENCE2013-07-042013-07-042012Shen, Z.,Zimmermann, R. (2012). Reducing cross-group traffic with a cooperative streaming architecture. MM 2012 - Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : 1025-1028. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>9781450310895 approaches, such as P2P networks, have demonstrated their effectiveness in video delivery. However, with underlay structure considered, it is still possible to further improve traffic efficiency. In this paper, we discuss the problem of localizing the traffic traversal across peer groups, which are partitioned according to underlay characteristics. We first provide three concrete examples to demonstrate this common challenge, which we theoretically formulate afterwards. Finally, we propose a ring overlay approach, which performs excellently to solve the problem, while tolerating peer dynamics and supporting peer heterogeneity. © 2012 ACM.cooperative networkspeer-to-peertraffic localitywirelessReducing cross-group traffic with a cooperative streaming architectureConference PaperNOT_IN_WOS