Baaquie, B.E.PHYSICS2014-10-162014-10-162001-07Baaquie, B.E. (2001-07). Quantum field theory of treasury bonds. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64 (1 II) : 016121/1-016121/16. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.15393755 theory of treasury bonds was reformulated in terms of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) path integration model. Equations for the no-arbitrage condition as well as the evaluation of futures and options were calculated in a straightforward manner using path integration. As a result, the path integral formulation of the quantities of interest in finance was understood. Subsequently, these quantities were generalized to the case of quantum field theory.Quantum field theory of treasury bondsArticleNOT_IN_WOS