Tan, K.K.Huang, S.Lee, T.H.ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING2014-06-192014-06-192004-05Tan, K.K., Huang, S., Lee, T.H. (2004-05). Adaptive friction compensation with a time-delay friction model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 218 (3) : 173-183. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. https://doi.org/10.1243/09596510477391385809596518https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/69175This paper presents a new compensation technique for a time-delay friction model that captures the effect of frictional memory. The proposed control utilizes a proportional-derivative (PD) control structure and an adaptive estimate of the friction force. Specifically, a radial basis function (RBF) is used to compensate the effects of the non-linearly occurring parameters in the friction model. Simulation results verify the theory and show that the method can significantly improve the tracking performance of a control system in which it is used.Adaptive controlFriction compensationTime-delay systemsAdaptive friction compensation with a time-delay friction modelConference Paper000221989500002