TAN WEI YUNPSYCHOLOGY2022-06-212022-06-212022-04-08TAN WEI YUN (2022-04-08). GOD-CONCEPT PRIME AND ITS BUFFERING EFFECT AGAINST SADNESS FOLLOWING POSSESSION LOSS: SELF-TRANSCENDENCE AS MEDIATOR. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/227301Research have established how religion plays a part in coping with negative events in life. However, most existing research are correlational in nature. The present study sought to examine how religion in the form of God-concept prime can buffer against negative emotions due to possession loss and whether self-transcendence acts as a mediator. A between-group study was conducted to measure the level of self-report emotions and self-transcendence following induction of possession loss. It was hypothesised that participants primed with God-concept prime will report lower levels of sadness than those primed with a neutral concept prime. God-concept prime was found to buffer only against sadness and regret following possession loss. Mediation analysis did not reveal self-transcendence to mediate the effect between God-concept prime and buffer against sadness.religioncopinglosssadnessGod-concept primeself-transcendenceregretGOD-CONCEPT PRIME AND ITS BUFFERING EFFECT AGAINST SADNESS FOLLOWING POSSESSION LOSS: SELF-TRANSCENDENCE AS MEDIATORThesis