SONIA SOH ZHI YIPSYCHOLOGY2020-09-282020-09-282020-04-20SONIA SOH ZHI YI (2020-04-20). INFLUENCE OF AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS AND SELF-ESTEEM ON SOCIAL PHYSIQUE ANXIETY. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. dissatisfaction among young adults has become increasingly prevalent and it is highly associated with social physique anxiety (SPA) and eating disorders. Therefore, interventions should be implemented to target SPA and prevent the emergence of more eating disorder cases. In this study, the use of positive affirmative statements to lower SPA levels among young adults was explored. Before participants went through both positive and negative conditions, global self-esteem levels were assessed. Post manipulation measures of state self-esteem, mood and SPA scores were completed. It was hypothesised that only participants with high global self-esteem will benefit from the use of positive affirmative statements. Individuals with low global self-esteem were expected to dismiss the positive statement and thus experiencing no improvement in SPA. However, results found that the positive statement was effective in lowering SPA for both high and low global self-esteem groups. State self-esteem, but not mood, was found to be a significant mediator for the relationship between affirmation and SPA. Results obtained support the implementation of positive affirmation strategies in enhancing one’s state self-esteem and lowering SPA levels. Due to the ease and convenience of administering this intervention, its effectiveness as a protective barrier against body dissatisfaction can be further studied.AffirmationSocial Physique AnxietySelf-esteemMoodINFLUENCE OF AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS AND SELF-ESTEEM ON SOCIAL PHYSIQUE ANXIETYThesis