Gupta, J.Lim, X.Sow, C.-H.Vijayan, C.PHYSICS2014-10-162014-10-162011-05Gupta, J., Lim, X., Sow, C.-H., Vijayan, C. (2011-05). Micropatterning of porphyrin nanotubes thin film using focused laser writing. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11 (5) : 4029-4033. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. report an effective process to create micropatterns on a thin film of porphyrin nanotubes PNTs on Si substrate using focused laser beam. The optical properties of the newly synthesized porphyrin nanotubes are investigated and micropatterning is demonstrated using laser fabrication, an increasingly important tool in various fields of research. We made use of this laser cutting method to create interesting and useful two-dimensional patterned structures. The shapes and sizes of the structures created can be controlled by varying the power of the laser, angle of incident of the focused laser beam, the relative speed with which the laser beam traverse through the film and the magnification of objective lens used. Copyright © 2011 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.LaserMicropatterningPorphyrin nanotubesMicropatterning of porphyrin nanotubes thin film using focused laser writingConference Paper000290692400039