Zhang, Y.Potter, J.R.Seekings, P.J.Chitre, M.Pallayil, V.TROPICAL MARINE SCIENCE INSTITUTE2014-12-122014-12-122004Zhang, Y.,Potter, J.R.,Seekings, P.J.,Chitre, M.,Pallayil, V. (2004). Rapid and robust single receiver geoacoustic inversion in shallow water. Ocean '04 - MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04: Bridges across the Oceans - Conference Proceedings 2 : 1048-1052. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.0780386698https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/115474A technique applicable to shallow-water geoacoustic inversion based on a moving source and a single stationary receiver, was investigated. In contrast to other single receiver geoacoustic inversion methods, the multi-path structure of the signal is used to create a virtual array to estimate the source-receiver geometry. An inverse Wigner-Ville transform of the isolated direct arrival provides an estimate of the matched filter required in the time domain to estimate transmission losses for each path. The results show that the multi=path signals can be separated by the time-frequency analysis and used to calculate source positions from time delays among the direct path, bottom reflected path, and surface reflected path.Rapid and robust single receiver geoacoustic inversion in shallow waterConference PaperNOT_IN_WOS