Wang, B.Ke, L.Chua, S.-J.ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING2014-06-192014-06-192006-02-02Wang, B., Ke, L., Chua, S.-J. (2006-02-02). A nano-patterned organic light-emitting diode with high extraction efficiency. Journal of Crystal Growth 288 (1) : 119-122. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. this paper, we report experimental results of photoluminescence (PL) of nanopatterned organic light-emitting diode (OLED). Nanosphere lithography is used to create the nanopatterns. Comparing the emission of the OLED from regions with and without the nanopatterns, the PL intensity resulting from the regions with the nanopatterns is increased by 43%. In addition, we also observed that the PL intensity is increased ∼6 times if the organic active layer is deposited on the nanopatterns and covered by a thin metal film of Al. This strong increase of PL intensity may be attributed to surface plasmon effects.A1. NanostructuresB2. Colloidal crystalsB2. Nanosphere lithographyB2. Photonic crystalsB3. Organic light emitting diodesA nano-patterned organic light-emitting diode with high extraction efficiencyConference Paper000235581800028