ZHANG CHENGINFORMATION SYSTEMS & COMPUTER SCIENCE2020-09-112020-09-111998ZHANG CHENG (1998). A FUZZY DYNAMIC CONSTRAINT MODEL. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/175837In the past few years, constraint based reasoning has received more and more attentions. It is well known that many planning and scheduling problems in the fields of information systems and artificial intelligence(AI) can be formulated as constraint based reasoning and constraint satisfaction problems(CSPs). The most powerful motivation to this aspect is from the study of temporal/spatial reasoning and geography information systems(GISs). However, those studies also bring us the new challenge, that is constraint based reasoning is required to have stronger capability to handle qualitative or uncertain information. This is because some of the information we get from practical problems is not quantitative information, i.e., can not be represented as precise quantitative relationships Although the study of quantitative constraint reasoning has long history, many practical techniques have been developed such as consistency techniques, but it is still very difficult to apply them to qualitative cases. The problem is that qualitative constraint reasoning is always considered to be different from quantitative constraint reasoning. The target of our work presented in this thesis is that we want to develop a new constraint model in which multi-layered constraint network and fuzzy theory are adopted In this model, both of the qualitative and quantitative constraints can be represented with the unique representation frame. With the help of the theory of appearance or fuzzy dynamic constraint, qualitative and quantitative constraint reasoning can be conducted uniformly and benefit each other.A FUZZY DYNAMIC CONSTRAINT MODELThesis