HUANG PEIYINGINFORMATION SYSTEMS2014-01-312014-01-312013-08-23HUANG PEIYING (2013-08-23). MANAGING THE FLOOD OF INFORMATION: THE ROLE OF INFORMATION PROCESSING IN CONTEMPORARY ORGANIZATIONS. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. rapid advancement of information technology (IT) over the past decades has brought about a dramatic increase of information, making the management of information a big challenge to contemporary organizations. As a result, in order to secure superior organizational performance in the information age, organizations should go beyond investing in IT assets to investing in information processing. This thesis is motivated to develop conceptual and theoretical frameworks to enhance our knowledge about organizational information processing. To achieve this goal, I attempt to study organizational information processing from three relevant research themes in the literature, namely information processing capability, information processing framework, and information processing strategy. Accordingly, I conducted three case studies with Chinese companies. Findings and contributions of the thesis are discussed.enInformation processing, case study, information technologyMANAGING THE FLOOD OF INFORMATION: THE ROLE OF INFORMATION PROCESSING IN CONTEMPORARY ORGANIZATIONSThesisNOT_IN_WOS