Cao, S.-G.Sim, K.-Y.Goh, S.-H.CHEMISTRY2014-06-232014-06-231997Cao, S.-G.,Sim, K.-Y.,Goh, S.-H. (1997). Three new coumarins from Calophyllum teysmannii var. inophylloide (guttiferae). Heterocycles 45 (10) : 2045-2052. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.03855414 chemotaxonomic survey of Malaysian Calophyllum plants for potential bioactive compounds provided three new coumarins [12-methoxyinophyllum P (1), hydrohydroxyisocalanone (2) and 4-phenyl-5-methoxy-7-hydroxy-8-benzoylcoumarin (3)] from the bark of C. teysmannii var. inophylloide, together with known compounds calanone (4) and betulinic acid. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis including 2D NMR.Three new coumarins from Calophyllum teysmannii var. inophylloide (guttiferae)ArticleNOT_IN_WOS